Financing Projects


1.     Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Housing Building.

2.     Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Government Complex.

3.     Financing and Supplies Contracts For the Government Factories.

4.     Financing and Supplies Contracts for the General Sector Services.

5.     Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Construction Trucks.

6.     Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Transport Sector.

7.     Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Hospitals.

8.     Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Universities.

9.     Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Schools.

10.   Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Electricity Sectors.

11.   Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Telecommunications Sectors.

12.   Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Tourism Sectors.

13.   Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Oil Sectors.

14.   Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Agriculture Sectors.

15.   Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Railways Sector.

16.   Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Water & Sewage Sector

17.   Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Rehabilitate General Sector Factories.

18.   Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Airports.

19.   Financing and Supplies Contracts for the Ports.


Investment Projects


The Power Supply & Industrial Projects Such As:


    - Petrol Recycles Stations.
    - Cement Industries.
    - Power Supply Stations.
    - Sub- Electricity Stations.
    - Industrial Warehouses.
    - Machines Fixation Stations.
    - Grains Stores
    - Electrical & Air Lines With High Power

Public Places Such As:

    - Walk ways.
    - Bridges.
    - Railways.
    - Airports.
    - The Water & Electricity Stations.
    - Water Exhausting Stations.
    - Water & Electricity Towers.
    - Water Liquidating Stations.
    - Building Water Weirs.
    - Irrigation Systems


Clinical & Teaching Buildings Such As:

    - Hospitals.
    - Clinics.
    - Phone operators.
    - Pharmacies.
    - Schools.
    - Universities.

Residential & Public Flats Such As:

    - Residential flats.
    - Summer vacation flats.
    - Theatres.
    - Administration complex.
    - Hotels.
    - Luxury flats.
    - Mosques.
    - Libraries.
    - Musical halls.
    - Meeting halls.